The average unemployed youth would not be able to afford this course either. Youth allowance or job seeker does not even cover living costs. Bring back Tafe and apprentiships for free while working.

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Yes, that’s why this course requires people to work. The first course I ever took in The Preparation was an EMT course. I was unemployed, but started working at Office Depot to pay for the course. That led me down a course of working on wildfires the next summer as an EMT, making $600 a day. Which, in consequence, has allowed me to pay for other interesting courses to take. And, regarding cost of living, we highly suggest that anyone going through The Preparation doesn’t tie themself down to paying rent or making car payments…or really anything else that traps you on a treadmill. Work along the way is necessary and people shouldn’t chain themselves to payments, places, or things. Whether you’re starting off with $100k or nothing, this program can work for anyone.

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The oddity of the title made me look twice to decide as to the target audience.

Personally, my hope for your audience to be greater in number for those who'd normally have been in Boy Scouts than a bunch of older guys.

Fondly remembered, best left unsaid.

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